Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Jungle and Fast Food Nation

Table of Contents Introduction Accomplishments Message Delivery Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The Jungle was a literary novel written by Upton Sinclair to expose the plight of American immigrants and the rot of corruption that went on in the American meatpacking sector (Sinclair 1). Fast Food nation on the other hand, was written by Eric Schlosser to explain the influence of the American fast food industry in the world market (Schlosser 1). The Jungle was written in a fictional setup which reflected the industrial revolution period of America and Fast food nation is no different because it was also written in a fictional setting.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Jungle and Fast Food Nation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Fast Food Nation was a controversial book when it was published and its fortunes have not changed with its recent publication in 2005. The controversy can be attributed to the fact that, the world still holds very diverse views regarding nutrition, food, production, environment, animal rights and all similar issues highlighted in the book (Kuhl 2). Part of the controversy was also attributed to claims that, Eric Schlosser was trying to advance the opinion that, all engaged in the business of Hamburger production and beef production did not have peoples’ interest at heart. The Jungle also had its fair share of controversy because it exposed the unsanitary practices which went on in some of Chicago’s meatpacking industry; thereby rubbing all stakeholders explicitly or implicitly mentioned in the novel the wrong way. Though the books were published at different times, a lot of comparisons have been made between the two publications and consequently, a lot of similarities and differences arise as a result. However, this study establishes that the two books have very little in common. Objectives The intentions of Eric Schlosser in writing Fast food Na tion cannot be equated to the intention of Upton Sinclair in writing The Jungle. Though both books talk about the food industry and the ills that plague it, it is important to establish that, Eric Schlosser’s aim of writing Fast Food Nation was to make the public know the problems that plague the American fast food industry and more so, to expose the dishonest practices of managers operating in the sector (Mcconnell 1). However, Upton Sinclair’s intention of writing the Jungle was not to expose the ills that plagued the meat industry or food industry, but rather, to expose the plight of American immigrants working in America’s industries.Advertising Looking for essay on comparative literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This fact can be exposed from the observation that, through Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser is seen to focus on the ills that plague the meat industry but in the jungle, only a few pa ges are dedicated to exposing the ills of the meat industry (Sinclair 2). This observation can be traced to comments made by some observers that the jungle did not achieve its main objective which was to sensitize the American public about the plight of the American public because the public was more focused on the corruption that went on in the American meat industry. This observation is affirmed by Mcconnell who states that: â€Å"The impact of those stomach churning descriptions on readers sadly caused his true intention to be lost, as American’s demanded something be done about what they were eating. Overtime, Sinclair’s novel came to be described as one about the Chicago meatpacking industry, likely by those who have never read the complete text† (Mcconnell 6). The focus on the plight of American immigrants in the Jungle can be further emphasized from the focus on the life of Jurgis Rudkus who was an American immigrant. The book focuses not only on his life working in the American meat industry but also on his life as a union leader and a miller (Sinclair 12). The focus of the book (The Jungle) is therefore centered on the treatment America gave Jurgis Rudkus as he tried to make a living and fend for his family. The Jungle also focuses on the shortcomings of the American immigration and labor laws and how they were used by several technocrats to trample over the rights of the immigrants because they viewed them as expendable. Upton Sinclair gives a thorough insight into the life of an American immigrant by giving repeated accounts of the plight of Jurgis Rudkus and how he struggled to walk in the snow with nothing more than socks on his feet. He also gives an account of how immigrants lived in old houses and got taken advantage of by ruthless landlords who felt no sympathy for their plight. More accounts of the suffering immigrant children had to go through (like prostituting to put food on the table) are given in the book (Sinclair 2 2). The author further focuses on the plight of Jurgis Rudkus and how he lost his family and more especially, his wife, to a rogue public official who never granted her maternity leave which caused her death because she suffered complications from her pregnancy. These events show the author’s focus on the plight of immigrants as opposed to the intrigues of the American meat industry.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Jungle and Fast Food Nation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Accomplishments From the differences exposed between the aim of writing Fast food Nation and The Jungle, we see that, both books are very different from each other. Despite the fact that, the authors of both books were great scholars and revolutionists of their time, it is incorrect to compare the two books because they are completely different from each other. Both authors also have a different sense of accomplishment in deliveri ng their points to their target audience and frankly, Eric Schlosser does a better job at communicating with his audience when compared to Upton Sinclair (Graydyl 2). Eric Schlosser seems to have a better understanding of his facts and he seems to better understand how the capitalistic and socialist systems work. For instance from his deep understanding of capitalism, Eric Schlosser identifies that, it is difficult to change the status quo prevailing in the fast food industry but more specifically, he acknowledges that it is difficult to change the fast food culture itself (Graydyl 2). On the other hand, the Jungle seems to explore only what is wrong with capitalism and suggest socialism as the better alternative. For instance, Upton Sinclair states that â€Å"Socialism was simply a necessary step towards a far-distant goal, a step to be tolerated with Impatience† (Sinclair 337). Such statements are made in an abstract manner without concrete proof. Eric Schlosser’s au thority in writing is well framed than Upton Sinclair’s and this is why The Jungle was misunderstood to talk about the ills that plagued the American meat industry as opposed to the ills that plagued American Immigrant workers. Message Delivery Fast Food Nation also seems to be more logically structured than the jungle because Fast Food Nation is written to appeal to the general American population but the jungle is written to relate to only a section of the American public (immigrant workers and the working class). Fast Food Nation is also written from an informed point of view with correct utilization of facts and personal experiences to back up the same facts. Most importantly, Eric Schlosser shows how the information advanced in his book can be utilized in the real life. The Jungle uses a reverse approach, in the sense that, it tries to appeal to the emotional side of human beings by justifying its emotional appeal through logic and reason (an approach which often does no t work) (Graydyl 2). This is true because advancing facts via emotions is an abstract method of understanding, and it may fail to hold true in the minds of readers (once the emotion disappears). However, advancing facts through logic and reason is a guaranteed way of making people understand what one has to say and advancing emotions to supplement the fact is bound to make the information advanced even more effective. Furthermore, considering the fact that, The Jungle is based on a fictional setup, it becomes difficult for the audience to differentiate facts from fiction.Advertising Looking for essay on comparative literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Conclusion The Jungle and Fast Food Nation are very different books which were written to advance different concepts. This study establishes that, Fast Food Nation was written to expose the ills that plagued the American Fast food industry but the Jungle was written to expose the plight American Immigrant workers faced when they worked in American industries. From this point of view alone, it becomes difficult to compare the two books because they were written with different objectives in mind. Moreover, this study establishes that, the two books do not share much commonality because the authors adopted different concepts of analysis in their writing. Fast Food Nation was written to appeal to the logic and reason of its target readers while The Jungle was write to appeal to the emotions of its readers. From this understanding, it becomes clear that, Fast food nation had a stronger impact of comprehension when compared to The Jungle because the major points advanced sunk in. However, The Jungle failed to communicate its true objectives because of the ambiguities evidenced in its communication strategies. Due to these differences, this study establishes that, comparing The Jungle and Fast food Nation is a misguided concept because the books are totally different from each other. Works Cited Graydyl. Literary Analysis: Comparing Upton Sinclair’s the Jungle with Eric Schlosser’s Fast Food Nation. 2011. Web. Kuhl, Ken. Fast Food Nation and the Jungle. July. 2006. Web. Mcconnell, Rita. Literary Analysis: Comparing Upton Sinclair’s the Jungle with Eric Schlosser’s Fast Food Nation. 2011. Web. Schlosser. Eric. Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2001. Print. Sinclair, Upton. The Jungle. New York: Forgotten Books, 1942. Print. This essay on The Jungle and Fast Food Nation was written and submitted by user Vanessa L. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Petroleum and Middle Indus Basin Essay Example

Petroleum and Middle Indus Basin Essay Example Petroleum and Middle Indus Basin Essay Petroleum and Middle Indus Basin Essay Kohat-Potwar Oil and Gas Exploration and Production The first oil well drilled in present-day Pakistan was at Kundal on the Potwar Plateau in 1866. The first commercial oil discovery was made in the Greater Indus Basin in 1914 when the Attock Oil Company completed a 214 ft well on a thrust-faulted anticline near Khaur on the Potwar Plateau (Khan and others, 1986). Early success in the Kohat-Potwar geologic province served to focus much of the early exploration activity in that area. The Sui field in the Sulaiman-Kirthar Foreland geologic province was the first discovery outside of the Kohat-Potwar geologic province and is the largest gas discovery in Pakistan, with more than 5 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of gas reserves. Discovered in 1952, the Sui field is a dome-shaped reef structure with an anticlinal surface expression. The largest reserves were found in the 625 m thick Eocene Sui Formation Sui Main Limestone Member. The Sui Upper Limestone Member and upper Eocene Habib Rahi Limestone were also productive. In 1999, Upper Cretaceous Pab Sandstone Formation gas production began at Sui field. Although exploratory wells had been previously drilled in the Middle and Lower Indus Basins, the discovery of the Sui field accelerated exploration efforts in the 1950s. More discoveries followed in that area with the Zin gas field in 1954, the Uch gas field in 1955, and the Mari gas field in 1957. Exploration activity increased again in the 1980s, when identification of a tilted fault block in the Lower Indus Basin led to the discovery of a series of oil fields. Although there have been significant oil discoveries in the Lower Indus Basin, it remains a gas-prone province. Gas discoveries that are attributed to the Sembar-Goru/Ghazij TPS have been made in Eocene, Paleocene, and Lower Cretaceous rocks on the Mari-Kandhot High in the Rajasthan Province of India. The Cambrian oil discoveries in Rajasthan, however, are beyond the extent of Sembar deposition and are either sourced by updip hydrocarbon migration from the Sembar or more likely by proximal older Mesozoic and early Paleozoic rocks. Sembar-Goru/Ghazij Composite Total Petroleum System The Sembar-Goru/Ghazij Composite Total Petroleum System (TPS) as defined for this assessment, is a north-south elongated area extending from the Potwar-Kohat geologic province in the north to the 2,000 m bathymetric contour in the Arabian Sea . The west boundary coincides with the axial belt and western edge of the Indian plate and the eastern boundary extends into India on the Indian Shield . Geochemical analyses of potential source rocks and produced oil and gas have demonstrated that the Lower Cretaceous Sembar Formation is the most likely source of oil and gas for most of the producing fields in the Indus Basin. Source Rocks While the Sembar has been identified as the primary source rock for much of the Greater Indus Basin, there are other known and potential source rocks. Rock units containing known or potential source rocks include the Salt Range Formation Eocambrian shales, Permian Dandot and Tredian Formations, Triassic Wulgai Formation, Jurassic Datta Formation, Paleocene Patala Formation, Eocene Ghazij Formation, and lower Miocene shales. Of all the possible source rocks in the Indus Basin, however, the Sembar is the most likely source for the largest portion of the produced oil and gas in the Indus foreland. In the Kohat-Potwar geologic province the Paleocene Patala Shale is the primary source rock for most, if not all of the province. In the offshore areas of the Indus geologic province, Miocene rocks are postulated to be good hydrocarbon sources, with the Sembar contributing in the shelf area. The Lower Cretaceous Sembar Formation consists mainly of shale with subordinate amounts of siltstone and sandstone. The Sembar was deposited over most of the Greater Indus Basin in marine environments and ranges in thickness from 0 to more than 260 m (Iqbal and Shah, 1980). Rock-eval pyrolysis analyses of 10 samples from the Jandran-1 well in the Sulaiman Range of the foldbelt, indicate an   most likely prove to be gas prone. verage total organic carbon content (TOC) of 1. 10 percent. The TOC values from the Sembar in two Badin area wells in the foreland portion of the Lower Indus Basin have TOC’s ranging from 0. 5 to 3. 5 percent and averaging about 1. 4 percent. A cross-plot of pyrolysis data on a modified van-Kreveln diagram study indicates that the organic matter in the Sembar is mainly type-III kerogen, capabl e of generating gas; however, additional proprietary data indicate the presence of type-II kerogen as well as type-III kerogen. With respect to the oil window (0. 6 1. 3 percent vitrinite reflectance), the Sembar ranges from thermally immature to over mature . The Sembar is more thermally mature in the western, more deeply buried part of the shelf and becomes shallower and less mature toward the eastern edge of the Indus Basin   Conclusive geochemical data supporting a Sembar source for most of the produced oil and gas in the Indus Basin are lacking; however, limited available geochemical and thermal data favor a Sembar source. To date, the only oil-productive regions in the Greater Indus Basin are the Potwar Plateau in the north and the Badin area in the Lower Indus Basin. Cross-plots of the carbon isotope ratios and the isoprenoid ratios of produced oils in these two regions are distinctly different , indicating two different source rocks. Gas content varies throughout the basin with CO2 ranging from lt; 1 percent to gt;70 percent, nitrogen lt; 1 percent to gt; 80 percent, and H2S lt; 0. percent to gt; 13 percent (IHS Energy Group, 2001). Reservoirs Productive reservoirs in the Sembar-Goru/Ghazij Composite TPS include the Cambrian Jodhpur Formation; Jurassic Chiltan, Samana Suk, and Shinawari Formations; Cretaceous Sembar, Goru, Lumshiwal, Moghal Kot, Parh, and Pab Formations; Paleocene Dungan Formation and Ranikot Group; and the Eocene Sui, Kirthar, Sakesar, Bandah, Khuiala, Nammal, and Ghazij Formations . The principal reservoirs are deltaic and shallow-marine sandstones in the lower part of the Goru in the Lower Indus Basin and the Lumshiwal Formation in the Middle Indus Basin and limestones in the Eocene Ghazij and equivalent stratigraphic units . Potential reservoirs are as thick as 400 m. Sandstone porosities are as high as 30 percent, but more commonly range from about 12 to 16 percent; and limestone porosities range from 9 to 16 percent. The permeability of these reservoirs ranges from 1 to gt; 2,000 milidarcies (md). Reservoir quality generally diminishes in a westward direction but reservoir thickness increases. Because of the progressive eastward erosion and truncation of Cretaceous rocks, the Cretaceous reservoirs all have erosional updip limits, whereas Tertiary reservoirs extend farther east overlying progressively older rocks. Traps All production in the Indus Basin is from structural traps. No stratigraphic accumulations have been identified, although the giant Sui gas field is a dome-shaped reef structure (possibly an algal mound) expressed on the surface as an anticline. The variety of structural traps includes anticlines, thrust-faulted anticlines, and tilted fault blocks. The anticlines and thrusted anticlines occur in the foreland portions of the Greater Indus Basin as a consequence of compression related to collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates. The tilted fault traps in the Lower Indus Basin are a product of extension related to rifting and the formation of horst and graben structures. The temporal relationships among trap formation and hydrocarbon generation, expulsion, migration, and entrapment are variable throughout the Greater Indus Basin. In the foreland portion, formation of structural traps pre-date hydrocarbon generation, especially in the Lower Indus Basin. In the Middle and Upper Indus Basins, traps may also have formed prior to hydrocarbon generation, although the temporal relationships between trap formation and hydrocarbon generation are not as distinct as in the Lower Indus Basin. The structural deformation in the foldbelt region is generally contemporaneous with hydrocarbon generation, suggesting that some of the hydrocarbons generated from the Sembar probably leaked to the surface prior to trap formation. Burial history reconstructions based on data from the Sakhi-Sarwar no. 1 well , located in the foreland part of the Middle Indus Basin, and the Shahdapur no. 1 well, located in the foreland part of Lower Indus Basin, indicate that hydrocarbon generation began 40 and 65 Ma, respectively . The main differences in the hydrocarbon generation times between these wells are due to large differences in the thermal gradients; the present-day thermal gradient in the Sakhi-Sarwar well is 2. 6 °C/km as opposed to 3. 3 °C/km in the Shahdapur well. We interpret the critical moments for these wells at about 15 and 50 Ma, respectively. Based on these reconstructions, trap formation may have postdated the start of hydrocarbon generation in the foreland portion of the Indus Basin. Seals The known seals in the system are composed of shales that are interbedded with and overlying the reservoirs. In producing fields, thin shale beds of variable thickness are effective seals. Additional seals that may be effective include impermeable seals above truncation traps, faults, and updip facies changes. Overburden Rock The rocks overlying the Sembar are composed of sandstone, siltstone, shale, limestone, and conglomerate. The maximum thickness of these overlying rocks is estimated to be as much as 8,500 m in the Sulaiman foredeep area . In the foredeep areas immediately adjacent to the front of the foldbelt parts of the Indus Basin, the overburden thickness ranges from 2,500 m to 6,000 m. East of the foredeep, overburden rocks thin as Cretaceous and Paleocene rocks are progressively truncated.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discourse on the Method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Discourse on the Method - Essay Example Rene Descartes was a Frenchman who was born to a wealthy family in Touraine in 1596 CITATION Des08 \l 1033 . Faithful to the characteristics of a true Renaissance man, Descartes was knowledgeable and able in the academic fields of mathematics and philosophy, and in the worldly caprices of gambling and adventure. His financial stability afforded him the opportunity to fully concentrate on philosophical meditation and mathematical quest. In 1637, he published â€Å"Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason, and Seeking Truth in the Sciences,† or more concisely known as â€Å"Discourse on the Method,† a philosophical and autobiographical treatise CITATION Des08 \l 1033 . From a first person point of view and providing personal experiences from his own ventures, Rene Descartes provides a self-proclaimed effective method of intellectual development in â€Å"Discourse on the Method.† The lengthy treatise is divided into six parts, each focusing on a particular aspect of Descartes’s philosophical path. In Descartes’s own words, the Discourse is divided as such CITATION Des08 \l 1033 : â€Å"in the first, will be found various considerations touching the Sciences; in the second, the principal rules of the Method which the Author has discovered, in the third, certain of the rules of Morals which he has deduced from this Method; in the fourth, the reasonings by which he establishes the existence of God and of the Human Soul, which are the foundations of his Metaphysic; in the fifth, the order of the Physical questions which he has investigated, and, in particular, the explication of the motion of the heart and of some other difficulties pertaining to Medicine, as also the difference between the soul of man and that of the brutes; and, in the last, what the Author believes to be required in order to greater advancement in the investigation of Nature than has yet been made, with the reasons that have

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Noble Cause and the Mean-Ends Dilemma Research Paper

Noble Cause and the Mean-Ends Dilemma - Research Paper Example In this case a police officer would have to choose for example between giving a warning to a criminal who may end up repeating the act or arresting them with the first crime hence preventing the second. Many crimes are committed in the name of noble-cause corruption by the police some violating a citizen’s civil rights. An example is when police believe a suspect committed a crime but due to lack of enough evidence they conjure up their own additional evidence to have it their way. As much as it is a useful method in protecting the victims, in most cases it ends up being unfair to the suspect who could be innocent. As the new police chief to a corrupt police department, I shall endeavor to deal with the corruption right from its roots. It is easy for police to justify their acts in the name of noble-cause corruption when in the real sense it is simply personal bias that guides them. In the case of racial profiling by the department’s officers, it shall be ensured that all races are represented in equal proportions. There shall be as many Latino officers as Hispanics, as many Blacks as Caucasians. This does away with the stereotypes that are ingrained in the corrupt and racist officers (Pollock, 2011). By close interaction, White officers shall become aware of the fact that Latino or Black citizens are human beings like themselves. Discrimination that is based on sex shall be dealt with by gender balance. This shall see to the fair treatment of female suspects by male officers and male suspects by female officers. Since it is the females that suffer most atrocities, severe punishment shall be issued to male officers who also mishandle their female counterparts. It is not a surprise that there are officers who leak information to drug cartels and criminal gangs. These moles ensure that efforts by officers to arrest the criminals are mostly frustrated. Such officers shall be carefully sought and weeded out

Monday, November 18, 2019

Medicine during the revolutionary war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Medicine during the revolutionary war - Essay Example The military was the most affected by undeveloped medical practices and poor knowledge on the field of medicine. They used to use branding iron to stop bleeding. Amputation was also very common and was somehow considered equal to what is an antibiotic currently. It was believed that, to stop an infection from spreading to the rest of the body from the part of the body that has been struck by a bullet or diseased, was to amputate it. Doctors tending to the military during that time had little concept of germs. They barely washed their hands or even their tools. They had an approach that curing a person mainly involved getting the disease out of the system. One of the common methods that were used was cupping. The doctors took a heated glass cup and placed it on the patient’s chest with an attempt to sweat out the disease. They also used a method called leeching. That is, they used leeches to suck out bad blood. Or they could simply cut the patient’s wrist and let them bl eed out an ailment. Dental hygiene was also a major issue during this time. People’s teeth were either black or yellow or missing altogether. They usually used twigs to brush their teeth. If someone can afford something better than twigs, they used a bone with pigs’ hair. A family could afford only one toothbrush which they had to share. Going to the dentist wasn’t very much necessary unless one is in deep and extreme pain. Alcohol was mostly used to ease the pain as a medical procedure. Pulling out a tooth could not have gotten any more literal. A metal object, whi

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Ntsb And Icao In Accident Investigation Engineering Essay

The Ntsb And Icao In Accident Investigation Engineering Essay This paper provides a report on the National Transportation Safety Board and the International Civil Aviation Organization and their contributions to aircraft accident investigation. Brief histories of the two organizations along with a few highlighted events are provided. The NTSB and ICAO in Accident Investigation The NTSB, Americas legendary investigative body, is charged to find causes for transportation related accidents and make recommendations. ICAO, an agency under the United Nations jurisdiction, is charged to promote and standardize international aviation throughout the world. The purpose of this paper is to look into these important two organizations and see how they contribute to the aviation industrys accident investigation abilities. First, let us get familiar with the NTSB and ICAO and learn a little bit of their histories. NTSB History National Transportation Safety Board has an interesting history, which shaped the organization into the well-respected investigative body we know today. In 1926, Congress passed the Air Commerce Act of 1926. The act charged the U.S. Department of Commerce to form an investigative body to research and report on aircraft accidents. In 1940, the Civil Aeronautics Boards Bureau of Aviation Safety was created. This newer agency took over the responsibility of aircraft accident investigations. In 1967, the Department of Transportation was created and NTSB was established to be an independent agency under the umbrella of the DOT. The NTSB is charged to investigate accidents in aviation, ground transportation, shipping, railroads, and pipelines. The NTSB also investigates accidents involving hazardous material transport. In 1974 Congress moved the NTSB out of the DOT to make the agency independent citing, No federal agency can properly perform such (investigatory) functions unless it is tota lly separate and independent from any other agency of the United States.. The NTSB has performed over 132,000 aviation and thousands of surface transportation accident investigations. The agency is on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The NTSB on occasion has been invited to other counties to assist with their aircraft accident investigations. (History of The National Transportation Safety Board, n.d.) Now that we have a basic understanding of who the NTSB is as a government agency, we can transition over to the history of ICAO. ICAO History People outside of aviation know little about the International Civil Aviation Organization. According to ICAOs website, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was created by the United Nations, in 1944. Their purpose is to promote safe, secure, and sustainable development of civil aviation with the cooperation of the United Nations Members. (International Civil Aviation Organization, n.d.) To this day ICAO still strives to meet and exceed their goals established back in 1944. Around two years ago, ICAO had declared its strategic objectives for 2011-2013. ICAO would like the members of the United Nations to continue to support the agencys standards and recommendations, to promote a better international civil aviation environment. ICAO desires that everyone can operate to the level where optimum safety, security and sustainability can be achieved. ICAO has three strategic objectives. First, Enhance global civil aviation safety. Second, Enhance global civil aviation security. Finally, Foster harmonized and economically viable development of international civil aviation that does not unduly harm the environment. (International Civil Aviation Organization, n.d.) ICAO, the UN backed agency, could be better compared to the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or and other nations equal. However, unlike the FAA, ICAO lacks the ability to enforce regulations and dictate policies. The FAA has the power to enforce the FARs and levy penalties. Unlike the FAA, ICAO has, on rare occasions, conducted aircraft accident investigations and submitted reports in accordance to its own Annexes. The two aviation disasters, that ICAO investigated and reported, worth mentioning are the 1973, Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114 and 1983, Korean Airlines Flight 007. Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114 Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114 was ICAOs first accident investigation. This disaster occurred during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, between Israel, Egypt, and Syria. There were 108 fatalities resulting from the Israeli Air Force shooting down of the Boeing 727. According to the Aviation Safety Network, an internet database developed for the Flight Safety Foundation, the following events occurred. Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114 was traveling from Benghazi, Libya to Cairo, Egypt. On the aircrafts approach to Cairo weather became a huge factor, due to the amount of heavy cloud cover. The aircraft strayed off course into the Sinai desert and into Israeli occupied air space. 2 Israeli Air Force fighter jets intercepted the civilian airliner and tried to get it to land. Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114 did not comply with the fighter jets request and tried to return to Egypt. The Israeli fighter jets shot down the aircraft forcing the pilots of Flight 114 to attempt a belly landing, in the dese rt. Upon impact, the airliner burst into flames and all were killed. ICAO conducted the investigation and reported the Cairo beacon was probably not functioning at the time of the event. The approach control radar was out of order too. (Aviation Safety Network, n.d.) ICAO was tasked to investigate the aircraft accident, by the United Nations, since Israeli-Arab relations were non-existent. The neutral party conducted its investigation, interviewed involved parties and drew out its causes and recommendations. It would be ten years later, that ICAO would have to assume the accident investigator role. This time an incident involving the United Sates and the USSR, who are deeply entrenched in the Cold War. Korean Airlines Flight 007 Based on this researchers exploration, the 1983 Korean Airlines Flight 007 incident was the first time where the NTSB and ICAO interacted directly with each other. According to the Aviation Safety Network, the following events occurred to KAL-007s demise. Korean Airlines Flight 007 was flying from New York City to Seoul, Korea, with one stop in Anchorage, Alaska. After being refueled in Alaska KAL 007 began its final leg to South Korea. The part of the trip would run along Soviet borders and air space. This was a normal route for aircraft traveling from North America to Asia. During this time, the Soviet Military were conducting tests in this region and USAF RC-135 recognizance aircraft were conducting operations. The USAF presence would prompt a Soviet fighter response. KAL007 unintentionally was flying in and out of Soviet airspace, which warranted a fighter response. The Boeing 747 airliner did not respond to the Soviet fighter pilots warnings. The fighter pilot was instructed to shoot-down the unresponsive aircraft. The fired missiles damaged the aircraft, causing a massive decompression of the airliner and causing the jet to crash into the ocean. (Aviation Safety Network, n.d.) Since Korean Airlines Flight 007 originated from the United States, the NTSB jumped into action to begin their investigation of the accident. It was their legal obligation to perform the investigation, but the U.S. State Department squashed the NTSB and made a formal request to have ICAO conduct the investigation. The State Department and the Reagan Administration did not view this event as an aviation accident but as a civilian aircraft downed by the Soviet Air Force. This would be ICAOs second aircraft accident investigation, since the 1973 Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114. Perhaps a neutral party was appropriate for the situation, but ICAO has no authority to demand participating countries to provide evidence. ICAO could only ask for voluntary information only. According to an FAA journal, Transportation Certification Update, Summer 1995, in 1992 ICAO, the NTSB led a delegation to the Russian Federation during the AIG/92. The purpose of the trip was to develop a consensus to improv e the content within Annex13 and improve that accident investigation process. In 1993, ICAO with the NTSB reopened the investigation on Korean Airlines Flight 007. (FAA, 1995) With the Cold War ending in the late 1980s and early 1990s, ICAO was finally able to acquire additional information to present a more acceptable report for the KAL 007 investigation. ICAO and the NTSB were able to see declassified documents, and research additional evidence that prior to the end of Communism would not have been possible. However, even today there are dozens of websites and books that believe there is a more sinister story behind the 1983 Korean Airlines Flight 007 disaster. NTSB FedEx 1406 The NTSB as an agency possesses a legendary amount of experience and accomplishments, but they are also human too. The inflight fire of Flight FedEx 1406 comes to mind. . According to the Aviation Safety Network, FedEx 1406 was traveling from Memphis, Tennessee to Boston, Massachusetts when the smoke detectors within the cargo bay systematically activated. The smoke detectors, on the upper deck, activated in the following sequence 9, 8, 7, 10, and 6. The crew was able to land safely at an airfield in Newburgh, New York. The aircrew evacuated safely, but once the compartment hatches were opened, the aircraft erupted in flames. The firefighters were able to extinguish the fire but the aircraft was a total lost. The fire, that burned inside the cargo hold penetrated through the fuselage and cutting the tail section off the aircraft. (Aviation Safety Network, n.d.) The controversy with this accident was that the NTSB and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) could not agree with the source and origins of the inflight fire. Both the NTSB and the NFPA had vast amounts of data to back each others claims. According to Walters Sumwalts book, Aircraft Accident Analysis: Final Reports, the air carrier had no idea about the nature of its cargo. The NTSB had recommendations for both the FAA and the Department of Transportation. Today all persons sending out mail packages or cargo must declare their contents to ensure these items are properly packages and positioned for transportation. This was one accident where nobody involved died and major improvements to cargo transport were implemented. The NTSB and the NFPA could agree on the fire but lives are being saved from the lessons from this accident. (Walters Sumwalt III, 2000). Conclusion In closing, the NTSB and ICAO have kept their promises in promoting and maintaining a safe and secure aviation industry. It is unfortunate that the aviation industry is inherently reactive and needs aircraft accidents and disasters to prompt changes. The FAA and Congress use the recommendations, from the NTSB, to enact improvements and change laws. Sometimes airlines and aircraft manufactures still drag their feet when complying with the newer standards. Today aviation is the safest mode of transportation. Organizations like ICAO, the FAA, the NTSB, and their counterparts provide tremendous service to the citizens of the world. These agencies along with strict regulations make air-travel, as humanly possible, universally safe and secure.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Charater of Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird :: Kill Mockingbird essays

The Charater of Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird During the first half of To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee constructs a sweet and affectionate portrait of rowing up in the world of small town Alabama. Harper Lee, however, continues on to dig underneath the portrayal of small town courtesy in the second half of the book. None of the characters in the book are perfect. This begins to show through in the second half of the book when the facade is removed to reveal the ugliness of Maycomb and the people living there. Through these tough times though, one character manages to keep his cool. Atticus Finch, through all the struggles and pressure, stands strong as a very positive father figure, making sure to instill in his children three very specific values: education, bravery, and acceptance. At the beginning of the book it becomes clear why Atticus thinks education is so important, as he and Scout read before bed each night. During his closing arguments in Tom Robinson's case Atticus clearly acknowledges the ignorance blinding people's minds and hearts: "the witnesses for the state...have presented themselves to you the cynical confidence that their testimony would not be doubted, confident that you gentlemen would go along with them on the...evil assumption...that all Negroes are basically immoral beings, that all Negro men are not to be trusted around our women, and assumption one associates with minds of their caliber" (217). Education is the key to unlocking the ignorance that causes such prejudice. Because of Atticus' example Jem begins to this lesson toward the end of the book, when he wonders if family education could be based more on education than on bloodiness. Jem also learns important lessons from his father regarding bravery. Early in the book we learn that Atticus does not approve of guns. He believes that guns do not make men brave and that children's fascination with guns is questionable. To prove his point, he sends Jem to read for Mrs. Dubose who struggles to beat her morphine addiction before she dies. He wants to show is son that one shows true bravery "when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what" (121).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Implications for Social Wellness and Development

I chose this article because it was very interesting to me. When you are growing out of adolescence into adulthood, you never think of the psychology that is involved in your growing. You don’t think about how and what influences the person you are becoming or the person that you want to be when you reach adulthood. During this stage of social development, you learn more about what you like, how you love and the actual wellness that you are working toward. Most people will never think of this, they think that life is life and that you are just supposed to live it. They have no idea of the development and the consequences that could come from poor judgment. I know that I never thought of this and it took me until I was 23 years old to figure out what I wanted out of my life because before that I just coasted through it carelessly, never worrying about the consequences. The major problem with this is that when an adolescent graduates high school, most of them move out of their parents’ home and into their own apartment or into a dorm. There, they basically have no rules and don’t have to worry about the consequences of their actions. If I had to write a research paper on this subject, I would definitely use this article. There is so much information throughout; there are even diagrams and illustrations. I found the diagram The Indivisible Self: An Evidence-Based Model of Wellness very informative and interesting. There was also the purpose of study and hypothesis where there were five hypotheses, the method and the instruments used to conduct this study. The subscales were very informative as well. The results and the discussion were also very stimulating. I find that psychology is a very complex study that requires much critical thinking but I am loving this subject. You learn so much about yourself and everyone around you.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Rural Cellular essays

Rural Cellular essays Making its home in Minnesota and owning and operating cellular and digital phone service companies in thirteen states, the Rural Cellular Corporation is quickly making a name for itself. Sense its inception in 1990 Rural Cellular Corporation, or RCC, has become the ninth largest rural cellular company in the country. A rural cellular company is exactly what it sounds like. It has no holdings or contracts in major metropolitan areas, but instead it groups together small rural cellular carriers and providers into one large corporation. By starting in their home state of Minnesota, they have branched out to all sectors of the country, including Washington, Oregon, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Mississippi, Alabama, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Maine. By gathering up small cellular companies in these areas, RCC has given itself a foothold in fast growing areas of the country. As they have grown in location, so have they grown in service and product they offer. They have just recently begun to offer digital phone service in some of their areas, while at the same time they have implemented paging and phone service packages. By packaging these together they offer the convenience of a mobile phone with the practicality of a pager. Something that will benefit both the businessman and the family man. Just by taking a quick look at the RCC annual report, you may see a company that is in excellent condition, and is on a sure footing for the future. However, certain aspects of this company are raising my suspicions of a short-lived existence. The annual report I received and analyzed is from 1999. When I requested the most current report, the 2000 was unavailable. Therefore, the numbers I relied on and cite throughout this analysis are one year old. As a whole, the annual report is very easy to follow and understand. The first twenty pages are charts, graphs, time-lines...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

buy custom National Organization of Students Needing Help essay

buy custom National Organization of Students Needing Help essay The following plan outlines the various ways to follow in order to make National Organization of Collegiate American Students Needing Help (NOCASH) successful. This organization intends to utilize the student union to bring change to the various factors affecting the student fraternity. NOCASH aims at reaching majority of the college going students in America. This is aimed at unifying the force towards bringing an improved welfare for the students both in schools and within the nation. NOCASH aims at pushing for consideration of the American students when making policies concerning the American society. NOCASH as a group however, is to face several setbacks in the quest for the various goals. This will need making of various decisions aimed at overcoming the challenges (Binodananda 48). Overcoming obstacles The organization National Organization of Collegiate American Students Needing Help (NOCASH) anticipates various setbacks in their goals. These need to be checked and suitable plans made to ensure the goals are not only met but the goals are also met in a timely and accurate manner. Some of this setbacks and the recommended plan to overcome them include; a) Financial obstacles The organization NOCASH faces lack of adequate finances as a major challenge that threatens to ground the activities of the organization. These can however be overcome through a combination of measures which include; Carrying out of charity work mainly in government projects in return for funding in various activities. These will also go a long way into popularizing the organization within the country since many government projects are usually national wide. Some of these activities include assisting in environmental protection and preservation activities The organization NOCASH can also seek funding from donors who appreciate the role of student organizations within the schools, the student lives and the American nation. NOCASH should also seek to raise some cash from the registration fees of the members. This will help create a pool of finances for the running of the organization. The National Organization of Collegiate American Students Needing Help (NOCASH) can also utilize their numbers to raise cash for their organization. This is to happen through the creation of an advertising platform for various companies aiming to reach out to college students. b) Leadership obstacles NOCASH as an organization targeting to go national is likely to face leadership problems due to t its size and number of members in the organization nationally. This obstacle however can be overcome through delegating duties to various students in the various regions or states of the United States of America .These will alo go a long way into painting the group as a national organization hence having a greater Impact (Dunkel and Schuh 34). c) Membership problems The organization NOCASH also faces a major challenge of inadequate membership. This obstacle to NOCASHs success can be overcome through various member motivating strategies. These include; NOCASH should provide adequate forums for interaction between the students and the working fraternity. This will help address the issue of unemployment through creating links between the students and their potential employers (Binodananda 67). The National Organization of Collegiate American Students Needing Help (NOCASH) should also come up with a rewarding system who introduces a friend to the organization. This will help motivate existing members to recruit more individuals into the group. The National Organization of Collegiate American Students Needing Help (NOCASH) should also utilize various media in reaching out to the college students. The various media that can be utilized include; the social media, emails, articles in college magazines and the national papers. NOCASH will also have to utilize various popular and well wishing personalities to appeal to the college students. NOCASH should also look forward to sponsoring various college student activities such as camps, inter-college competitions and college parties. These events should have conditions such as: free entry for the members and additional benefits such as VIP treatment for active individuals. These will help attract all college going students to NOCASH. Such activities can also provide good avenues to sell merchandise hence raising some revenue for the organization. In future the National Organization of Collegiate American Students Needing Help (NOCASH) should look forward at giving cheap gifts to its members on crucial days and festivals such as the members birthdays (Dunkel and Schuh 13). Strategies The National Organization of Collegiate American Students Needing Help (NOCASH) has various major objectives. These include, mobilizing public opinion and influencing and persuading elected leaders. These objectives need to be met without straining the financial muscle of the National Organization of Collegiate American Students Needing Help (NOCASH).The strategies aimed at achieving these goals include; Strategies towards mobilizing public opinion The strategies aimed at mobilizing public opinion are; championing for the national rights of college students; promoting morality among the students nationally; pushing for the protection of the environment and raising the red flag in cases of government oppression on the students and their parents. These will help to create an image of a caring organization to the public hence rallying massive public support.. This will help the National Organization of Collegiate American Students Needing Help (NOCASH) to be an organization to reckon with in the United States (Binodananda 32). Strategies towards influencing and persuading elected leaders The National Organization of Collegiate American Students Needing Help (NOCASH) intends to mobilize its members and all supportive parties (such as the parents to college students) during the general elections to vote for leaders who, embrace the rights of college students, aim at improving the lives of the common American citizen. This will come along way into ensuring the society minded leaders are put into office. These efforts of the National Organization of Collegiate American Students Needing Help (NOCASH) will send messages to the electorate on the power of the organization. The actions of the organization also aim at putting into power leaders who will be willing to work with NOCASH (Dunkel and Schuh 56). Other student organizations in America In America there are various student organizations that have been existent. These organizations experience varying levels of popularity among the American college students. Some are recognized nationally while others are only recognized within the boundaries of the specific colleges. Some of these organizations include;theStudentVeterans of America; the skills U.S.A and the student organization of Washington university. These organizations have utilized strategies such as using the national mass media to popularize their activities. This strategy can be utilized by the National Organization of Collegiate American Students Needing Help (NOCASH) to popularize their favorite leaders in future elections as well as popularize the activities of NOCASH. These organizations have also utilized strategies such as working together with community churches to help promote morality of the college students. The National Organization of Collegiate American Students Needing Help (NOCASH) can utilize this policy too. NOCASH can utilize this strategy not only to impart morals to its members and influence public support. The student organizations in America also utilize the strategy of producing clothing with information supporting their membership (Binodananda 45). The National Organization of Collegiate American Students Needing Help (NOCASH) should utilize this measure to increase its popularity as well as the popularity of its preferred candidate for any leadership position. Competitors The National Organization of Collegiate American Students Needing Help (NOCASH) has some competitors in catering for the needs of college students. A good example is the US Public Interest Research Group. The National Organization of Collegiate American Students Needing Help (NOCASH) can overcome their influence by working close with its members who are students. Buy custom National Organization of Students Needing Help essay

Monday, November 4, 2019

Researching Educational Leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Researching Educational Leadership - Assignment Example The Falk article draws data from a dozen vocational education programs and training sites throughout Australia. The facilities are known as vocational education and training sites. (VET) the accumulated data is derived from a series of 44 written surveys including interview responses. Five focus groups were also included from the various facilities around Australia, resulting in a total of 64 respondents to the questionnaires. In essence the data paints a picture of a four stage cyclical process, a process of leadership interventions which is characteristic of greater effectiveness. The cyclical process culminates with a leadership style that is enabling for the teacher leader and of the achievements of professional associates. Every individual, including teaching professionals possess their own unique traits, strengths, and personal aptitudes. Among these personal abilities natural leadership qualities can and will emerge in virtually any professional setting. The Falk study identif ies the necessary role of these individual capabilities, and their contribution to the classroom setting. But it also illustrates a higher-level process of leadership that exists within the organization and which is defined by the cyclical process of the leadership intervention cycle. The key issues involved in this particular study hinge upon a question of whether or not the organization will have better overall direction with many individuals that display leadership qualities, or whether a single over all leader/administrator has more of an influence upon the success of the organization. The collective skills of individual teachers according to the study, are not sufficient to explain the overall culture of enabling leadership. A healthy organization, in which leadership principles are nurtured and developed will accrue a form of social capital, this can be instrumental in easing management burdens as well as facilitating diplomacy within the organization. Within a school district , as with other hierarchies often there can be tensions between the demands for efficient leadership as it pertains to risk management, as well as the necessary drive towards innovation, as it pertains to superior efficiency, and the vigorous fulfillment of the organization's mission statement. Thus, an over arching mediator becomes the crucial link in the chain that connects the resources of leadership as they exist on the individual level, amongst teachers themselves. Within the healthy organization this is required to achieve a synergistic effect that provides leadership, and improves the quality of lower – tiered leadership for the institution. This of course, raises questions about the potential of leadership training. Additional professional development to facilitate training of the institution as a whole in some cases can provide more effective leadership for the organization from a top-down perspective, as well as strengthening leadership potential amongst individuals within the organization. The benchmark establishment of professional goals for the school or institution can assist in this process. Q2 Many researchers in this field will cite a community of inquiry model, as core to their theoretical framework (COI). This model comes in many shapes and sizes, with a considerable breadth of information therein.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Role of Micro and Macro Factors In Business Decision Making Essay

The Role of Micro and Macro Factors In Business Decision Making - Essay Example This paper illustrates that economics enables firm’s in making the decision related to the production such as infrastructure and input cost, number of units, number of labor and their wages, and utility expenses, etc. are in a way to meet the market demand profitably. Additionally, the pricing decisions with profit margins are conducted on the basis of the competitive landscape of the business. All these plays defining a role in the future revenue stream for the business. Also, economics enables firm’s in making the decision-related to the production such as infrastructure and input cost, number of units, number of labor and their wages, and utility expenses, etc. are in a way to meet the market demand profitably. Additionally, the pricing decisions with profit margins are conducted on the basis of the competitive landscape of the business. All these are critical to maintaining the economic objective of achieving profitability for the firm. In addition to this, a manufa cturing concern like other businesses is also required to understand the macroeconomic factors. For example, government policies in the UK are attractive for local and international wind energy producers. These investments have the role in generating employment. The unemployment level and labor policy of the government will determine the cost of labor for the business (both skilled and unskilled). It also has an impact in determining the future demand for the business product. UK government has also lowered taxation to attract investors in the energy sector. In addition to these fiscal and monetary policy implications, GDP of the economy that determines the purchasing power of the people, etc. Also, the international trade regulations and policies of the country are also important to understand in case the input is imported from abroad or is to be exported to other countries. Hence, business economic play a guiding role in surviving and running and business successfully.