Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Nitroglycerin [NTG] Cardiovascular drug Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nitroglycerin [NTG] Cardiovascular drug - Essay Example Even more surprising is that Nitroglyercin is used as a heart medication, one of the most delicate and important organs inside our bodies. It is mind blowing that something so combustible and so explosive could be used to help treat heart conditions. Nitroglyercin can be found in many forms, varying from tablets, to sprays, to even patches. It works by allotting more blood and oxygen flow to the heart, and by widening blood vessels directly into the heart. However, after long term exposure to the drug, it can become addictive. Withdrawal symptoms can occur, such as headaches, recurring heart problems, or even death (Nitro). Exposure to the drug relieves these symptoms, which is why people working with the drug at work may feel withdrawal symptoms over the weekend only to find them relieved back at work on Monday. Another one of Nitroglyercin;s talents is that the patches th have been found to be a cure for bite of the brown recluse spider, a venomous, and possibly deadly bite. This is just another positive effect of the drug. When it is used in medicine, nitroglyercin is called something else. It is called Glyceryl trinitrate, mainly to avoid people thinking they are taking explosives into their body. It is used as heart medication, and can be in many different forms. It can come in tablets, ointments, patches, or even sprays (Nitro). A somewhat new medical procedure includes using small amounts of the compound in the tip of condoms, to help provoke. Ejaculation (Nitro). Taking nitroglyercin has many different effects on the body. It can reduce chest pain, decrease blood pressure, as well as increasing the heart rate of the patient. This happens because the nitroglyercin is converted into nitric oxide once inside the body, however, the process by which the body does this is not completely understood by scientists (Nitro). Then, the drug relaxes the blood vessels to the

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